Incapacity to see ugliness
We usually focus fully on what’s right in front of our eyes. We tend to ignore the horrible, especially if it is not an integral part of our personal perspective. We ignore that our cities are a chaotic mess, filled with ugly architecture and nasty signage. And so you have the situation where a Japanese worker will open a beautiful bento box in a stale conference room or on a horrendous, crowded sidewalk.
envy youu, Q
maaf ya udah jarang banget ngepost lagii. huhu sibuk belajar teruuuss. ini aja juga rebutan sama adek gw. hahahahaha sorry Darling, next time maybe. hihi
Yaaaaa how are you today? Feeling good?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa gw tau ini sangat berlebihan yaa. haha tapi tadi kan gw melihat iseng-iseng facebook seseorang, sebut saja 'Q'. trus gw melihat cowoknya ngisi wall ke dia yang menurut gw aaaaaaaaaaaaa so sweet bangeeett. trus karena saking penasarannya, gw buka tuh facebook cowoknya yang temen gw itu. truuuuuss statusnya tuh buat ceweknya gituu. trus kan gw buka deviantartnyaa. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa menyentuh sekali! sangat dalam di kalbu ini (lebay) but it surely is!
about waiting at the station but the boy couldn't come because he had to go to his campus. and when the boy explained this to Q, she was just laughing! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I know it's kind of silly I say that. but I just envy them................
and I want to be called by someone by a sweet nickname. just like heer! hahahaha males banget gueeee
maaf ya postingannya sangat tidak penting. hahaha
Thank You!
(OST. Toki O Kakeru Shoujo)
Noto ni naranda shikakui moji sae
Subete wo terasu hikari ni mieta
Suki to iu kimochi ga wakaranakute
Nidoto wa modoranai kono jikan ga
Sono imi wo atashi ni oshiete kureta
Anata to sugoshita hibi wo kono mune ni yakitsukeyou
Omoidasanakute mo daijoubu na you ni
Itsuka hoka no dareka wo suki ni natta toshite mo
Anata wa zutto tokubetsu de taisetsu de
Mata kono kisetsu ga megutteku
Hajimete futari de hanashita houkago
Dare mo shiranai egao sagashiteita
Tooku de anata no hashaideru koe ni
Naze daka mune ga itakunatta no
Kawatte yuku koto wo kowagatteta no
Zutto tomodachi no mama ireru ki ga shita
Owatteku mono nado nai to omotta
Hateshinai toki no naka de anata to deaeta koto ga
Nani yori mo atashi wo tsuyoku shite kureta ne
Muchuu dekakeru ashita ni tadoritsuita toshite mo
Anata wa zutto tokubetsu de taisetsu de
Mata kono kisetsu ga yatte kuru
Itsu made mo wasurenai to anata ga itte kureta natsu
Toki ga nagare imagoro atashi wa namida ga koborete kita
Anata to sugoshita hibi wo kono mune ni yakitsukeyou
Omoidasanakute mo daijoubu na you ni
Itsuka hoka no dare ka wo suki ni natta toshite mo
Anata wa zutto tokubetsu de taisetsu de
Mata kono kisetsu ga megutteku
As you were dashing on the ground, your back
Was freer than the clouds that floated in the sky
And in the light that illuminates everything, I could even see
The square letters lined up in your notebook
I didn’t understand the feeling known as love
So this moment in time that wouldn’t return again
Taught me its meaning
I’ll sear the days that I spent with you into my chest
So that I’ll be all right even if I don’t recall them
Even if I were to fall in love with someone else someday
You’d always be special and important to me
And this season would come around again
When we first talked together after school
I was searching for your smile that no one else knew about
For some reason, my chest felt painful
To your cheerful voice far away
I feared changing
I felt that we could always stay friends
I thought that there was no such thing as ending
Within the endless time, the fact that I was able to meet you
Made me stronger than anything else
Even if I were to make a desperate run for tomorrow
You’d always be special and important to me
And this season would come about again
Since the summer when you told me that you’ll never forget
Time has passed and just now, my tears came spilling down
I’ll sear the days that I spent with you into my chest
So that I’ll be all right even if I don’t recall them
Even if I were to fall in love with someone else someday
You’d always be special and important to me
And this season would come around again
mencoba mengedit foto. hem
gw baru nyoba-nyoba ngedit foto di Adobe Photoshop CS4. hahaha iseng iseng aja yekaan?
berikut beberapa foto yang berhasil gw edit. maaf ya masih standar banget soalnya gw belum terbiasa ngeliat layar Adobe, hehe
Pleased to leave a comment for these photos, I need your advise though, or maybe you can teach me another cool actions. hehehe
Thank you, Darling!
? pertanyaan acak
kenapa musti ke kesana kalo disini juga ada?
siapa yang tau kita bakal jadi apa?
gimana caranya kita tahu kalo kita milih yang bener?
jadi mind-reader seru juga kayaknya, iya gak?
kalo udah capek capek sampe atas, perlu gak kita perbaiki yang dibawah?
boleh gak kita nyimpen topeng seribu wajah?
baik gak selalu mentingin perasaan orang lain ketimbang diri sendiri?
gimana caranya ngebedain kita jadi diri kita sendiri atau jadi diri kita yang ingin seperti orang lain?
gimana ya rasanya orang yang gak bisa ngeluarin air mata?
sebenernya yang bener yang mana, kita mengejar waktu atau waktu yang mengejar kita?
salah tulis, dicoret atau dihapus?
nothing .
Found them when I’m getting bored.
Have got any idea what is the first picture anyway? Yup, It’s an eye, an extreme macro photograph with Canon MP-65e lens and a 1DMkIII camera
hello folks! how are you doing? i hope you’re fine.
well, unfortunately, not for me, i get a terrible influenza. it’s getting worse yesterday. from my nose to my whole body. baaaaah. i slept at 7pm yesterday and got up around 11pm, i got confused and felt really dizzy in my head. my clock was off and the battery hasn’t be replaced until now. so, i forced my body to stand up and walked out to get fresh water. and then i prayed (still in half-conscious state). hahaha
i’d like to tell you one of my story yesterday. i accompanied Ifa to the Siloam Hospital for checking her sickness. hope you get well soon Faaaa! and then, when we’re waiting for Ifa’s name be called, we thought for watching a movie, okay then. but, she mentioned The Final Destination 4. yaaaaaaaaaaaa! i never like that kind of movie!! but because of the boredom situation at that time…… i agreed. but yaaaahh, i watched the film just when the harsh scene didn’t come out. luckily i wore my veil, so i could close my eyes when the scene started to show the harsh part.
and, on monday, again, Ifa asks me to watch The Grudge 3. jkfej9fjfjafiunifnwifniancfy aaaaaaggghhhh the last time i watched The Grudge was with my friends too, and i closed my eyes in many parts! (really wasting my money) so i just hear the scream and the scary music. but sometimes i got the picture of the ghost (close up!!!) but, i am curious with what is next? what what? is she dead? or who is the ghost anyway? hahaha so i kept watching it until it’s finished.
yaaaa, i think that’s the story. hahaha
another useless post, anyway. thank you for readiinngggg!
planning to go there, continuing studies.
my dad gives good response for thiis :))))) now, he is searching, gathering and earning more information from his friends who study there.
I wish that I can go there. heemmmm
Rumah Kakek dan Abuela
Guten Morgen!
Heeeeeeeee akhirnya gw mengepost lagi. haha
Mau cerita niiicch. Kemaren kan gw main ke rumah abuela yang ada di Bogor, buat buka puasa bersama gitu deh. Yaudah kan tuh kita sampe disana langsung beres beresin meja dan makanan, lalu gw duduk disebelah kakek gw. Ya seperti biasa kakek gw nanya nanya sekolah. Dan kita hening sejenak. Terus tiba tiba kakek gw yang sudah kira kira berumur 80-an (tapi ngakunya 50-an) itu bertanya,
‘What is your name?’
Dalam hati gw udah UWOOOOOOO! Kakek masih inget bahasa Inggris dikit dikit ternyataaa! Yaudah gw bales kan, My name is lalalala. Terus beliau nanya lagi,
‘Where do you go to school?’ (dengan wajah ceria)
OH WAAAW! Yauda terus gw jawab lagi kan. Dan akhirnya gw sama Kakek gw bergelut dengan dunia Bahasa Inggris yang diciptakan kakek gw sendiri. Hem –_-
Terus gw akhirnya manggil adek gw (Firo) buat ngegantiin gw ngobrol sama Kakek pake Bahasa Inggris, yauda adek gw jawab jawab gitu kan, sambil nanya nanya ‘Bel, nama panjang bahasa Inggrisnya apaan?’ Kemudian hening. Tiba tiba..
‘tok keeeeeeeeeeeeeeekk!’
pertama tuh gw kira suara terompet anak anak tetangga yang lagi nunggu bukpus. dan adek gw kira ada orang teriak-teriak –______- satu rumah yang ada kakek, abuela, bokap, nyokap, gw dan adek gw tuh pada hening semua. terus abuela bilang ‘tuh tokek.’ Ya ampuuuuunn nenek gw udah kebiasa sama tokeeeeeekkk! katanya tuh kalo malem malem emang suka bunyii! dan yang lebih mengerikan tuh si tokek pernah ada di dalem rumah cobaa! di balik lukisan gituuuuuuuuuuu aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
trus si Firo tuh sok sok nakutin gw gitu padahal diri sendirinya takut. z dan gw melihat ke arah bokap gw ingin membunuh si tokek, dan itu kayak CICAAK, BIAWAK, ANAK BUAYA dan segala reptil menjijikkan yang sejenis gituu. katanya bertotol totol ijo gituu! (gw gak berani liat lagi) hueeeeeeeeeeeeeeegghkk!
dan kemudian adzan maghrib berkumandang, kami sekeluarga langsung buka puasa dan shalat maghrib. kemudian dilanjutkan tahap mengobrol ngobrol diruang tamu.
di meja ruang tamu gw liat ada kotak antik gitu, ternyata yang gw kira asbak, itu adalah kotak perhiasan! aaaaaa itu bagus bangeet, dalemnya tuh pake beludru ungu merah-merah gitu. trus pas gw bilang gitu, nenek langsung,
‘Ooohh Bella, nenek ada kotak perhiasan juga nih. Bagus’
‘Eeeehh, gak usah neek. makaasii’ (gw sudah menolak gitu kan, tapi tetep aja sama nenek diambilin di kamarnya)
gw udah gak enak gitu kaan. terus pas nenek kembali dengan kotak kecil gitu, waaaaww itu lucu bangeeet! dan ternyata itu kotak dari Rusiaa. OhmyGooood! gw langsung agak agak gemeteran gimana gitu kan pas megangnya. waktu gw buka tuh emang kayak ada tulisan tulisan Rusianya gitu. ahawhawhawhaw (langsung inget The Junsui)
(lucu kaaan? kayak kotak harta nya Anastasia. haha)
Dan mulailah nenek bercerita dengan pengalamannya dulu tinggal di Ceko. Katanya setiap hari Jumat, abuela, kakek sama 5 anaknya jalan jalan keliling Eropa, ke Belanda, Jerman, Austria pokoknya negara-negara di Eropa gituu naik mobiil. huaaaaaaaa gw iriiii.
Terus gw baru tau kalo kakek gw bisa bahasa Ceko (yaiyalah), Inggris, Jerman, sama Jepang. Dan beliau guru bahasa Indonesia yang udah pernah jadi guru, dosen, kepala sekolah, pengamat sekolah dan katanya pernah ngediriin sekolah. AHUAHUAAAAAAA karena langsung ‘GYAAAA’ gw nanya kan,
‘Kek, coba ngomong pake bahasa Jepang dong'
eeehh Kakek gw langsung nyanyi lagu Jepang gitu, gak tau juga itu lagu apaan. tapi dari nadanya kayaknya lagu kebangsaannya Jepang deh soalnya nyanyinya sambil mengayunkan tangan dan bersemangat gitu suaranya sama gerakan tubuhnya. trus beliau ngomong,
‘Watashi wa Masse desu. Kalau nama kamu siapa? (dengan bahasa Jepang yang saking cepet ngomongnya gw lupa apaan)’
Dalam hati gw udah ‘Demi apa demi apa’ dan gw bales dengan bahasa Jepang gw yang cuma tau watashi wa watashi wa-an.
Dan nenek gw juga bisa bahasa Ceko dan Jerman! ahuaaaaaaaaaaa
AAAA aku iri sekalii kalo denger ceritanyaaa. Sayangnya Kakek udah gak bisa melihat lagi. ~>.<~ Tapi beliau selalu bersemangat dan mandiri kalo ngelakuin apa aja. Dan nenek selaluuuu setia nemenin Kakeek. Kalo abuela pengen ngecat ulang tembok rumah, selalu ijin sama Kakek meskipun udah gak bisa melihat lagi. Dan kalo ngecat selalu bilang warnanya apaaa. Dan nenek udah tau cara-caranya buat ngebantu kakek dirumah, kayak perabotan yang tempatnya gak pernah diubah, peralatan makan yang letaknya selalu sama dan hal hal lainnya. aaaaaaaa co cwiit banget kan nenek guee. gw juga ah mau kayak gitu kalo udah tua. hahahaha
Saat waktu menunjukkan pukul setengah 8 malam, gw sekeluarga pulaaang. yaaaaaaaahhh padahal lagi seru serunya ngobrol kan. yasudah deh kami pulang (sedih juga nenek sama kakek jadi sendiri lagi >.< Love you GrandPaMa!).
Begitu deh ceritanya. Hahaha
Toodleess! :D
Fasting fasting
It’s already the second day in Ramadhan. Our fasting month. Hehe Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin We still have this sacred month. We can pray more than the other 11 months. Every good activities can be our reward’s saving. So, be good in this month, because every bad activities will be counted too. Hehehe
Have a great fasting and do good things for yourself and others.
And I want to apologize for all my mistakes, Fooolkss! :)
Love, Belle
Missed Things
Silly things that I stupidly missed them. For no reason, I want to share it here.
First, I miss my childhood. There’s nothing more fun when I was a child. Nothing to think, I just flew away like the wind. And I could do whatever I wanted to. I had many friends back then, boys more than the girls –_- I played with them everyday, usually kite flying :)). At school or at my neighbourhood. It’s just really exciting playing with them :D
Second, a promise from a guy there. He never make it. Never Ever. It’s just silly when I remember it. The promise was to take me out (like a tv programme, isn’t it? haha) to a beach and we just sit there with ice cream in our hands and eating J.Co donuts.
Third, I miss my junior high school. It was really fun with my dearest bestfriends, Ayu, Muthia, Putri. I miss our time when we’re together, you know! :DD
Forth, I miss the time I saw my mother for the first time. When I arrived in this world, how happy I am, even I don’t remember. HAHA
Fifth, when I have plenty of money. I could buy everything I wanted to with my savings
Sixth, In the third grade in Junior High School, with my friends played hit-hands until our hands are full of RED and it’s became many small bumps and it seemed that bleeding inside (do you understand what I am talking about? haha)
Seventh, after I took a bath and the rain is falling. coooooolll
Are they silly? hahahahahaha
You know who I am, don’t you, folks? hehe
Love you more,
Make an effort
Good Sunny Morning!
Today is a holiday and tomorrow will be the same! Hehehe. and I think I’ll just be lazy at home. I’m listening to Ten2Five’s songs. and I think the lyrics both the tunes are sweet and touching. hihi I’m being melancholy this morning. :)
I’ve just realized that maybe my friend, called her E, has one same personality. If we like someone, we just hard to forget the time when we’re with him. Even a single little thing like song, place, gifts and their promises. People always think why we are so melancholy about those things? How come? But, for you to know, that’s just who we are. I do think that I’m silly, stupid and whatever you called me. I want to erase that kind of habit instead I always trying and trying but I just can’t! Like if you love someone, even he doesn’t know you love him, but you deeply fall in love with that guy and you feel you won’t have the chance to know him more.
Like old times, I was just crying if I heard ‘Loving You’ by The Cinnamons. Yea, I know it’s really stupid and silly to do that, but I just can’t help it. BUT, I know, I mustn’t be like this forever, I must make a move. There isn’t one man in this world, maybe one will be the good one, better than the guy :) So, I was trying to move on step by step. I didn’t play the Loving You, I erased his number (fortunately I don’t remember the number. hehe but, I have the last number in my mind, just in case! ;p), I didn’t want to spell his name, or wrote it or even think about it. I tried to be focus on something else. And here I am. Fine with this situation, even if I spell his name or play the Loving You, I don’t feel upset. And I’m grateful he is my past and he won’t bothered me anymore :) JUST for you whose problem is same with me, forgetting someone is not easy sometimes, but if you make a tiny effort and believe the time will change everything, you will forget those things and become ‘normal’ again unwittingly. And you won’t regret to do that. :)
aduh maap awal awal bahasanya udah kasar! dems aps si B BOTAK LAGI skr? ya ampuuuuuuuunnnnnn gw liat fotonya pengen muntah astaganagabonarjadiduabelas. tampangnya sok sok imoet! aaaaaaaaaaaaggggghhhhhh mana ada yg komen bilangnya,
aduuuuhh B manis banget ciiihh?
cuiiiiiiihhh preeeeeeeeeettttttt! aduh sebenernya pengen gw masukin nih fotonya disini, tapi orangnya udah gw kata-katain ntar ketauan publik lagi gw ngata-ngatain. HAHAHA
dan demi apa demi apa temen gw ada empat orang temennya dia juga? sahabat gw juga ada! ini orang koneksinya banyak banget sih? mentang mentang ganteng pinter tajir oke baik perhatian (curhat –__________-). maleezzzzzz deeeeehhh
dan disalah satu fotonya, kan temennya bilang, yah lo jelek banget. trus dia bilang, tapi aslinya gak. aduuhh narsis abiizz
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gue beteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, kesaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllll
Keramas dan Try Out Ofren
heila heilo Todaay
what a sunny Saturdaay. Yup! It’s Saturday again. Time surely moving. And I didn’t even recognize these past days. My life is just study at school, then go to an English Course and Ofriend (Bimbel). (aaaaaagghhh tadi salah ketik jadi inget B)
my haaiir! I haven’t washed it foor.. 4 days! klimaaagggsss! I just don’t get time to wash it. and now i won’t take my karet rambut off. iyuh sendiri deh bahasa inggris gw campuradukamburadulbimsalabim yekaan. ingin nyalooooooonnnnnnn! potong poni, masker rambut, keramaasss! ampun deeeh. gara-gara ini poni yg kepanjangan dikatain, Emogirl. kemaren waktu gw pake kerudung dibilang TPAgirl. kalo gw lagi ngapain aja dibilangnya Bessy. Agheiejwhdwin
dan handphone gw mati pula. mati-nyala-mati-nyala. maunya apa siih?
ohiyaaaaaaaaaaa, masa besok tryout Ofren! pelajarannya dari kelas 1 sampe yg dipelajari skr di Ofren. mati sajalah saya mau belajar apa coba? kan seharusnya hari minggu tuh hari tenang. ini malah ada try out. sungguh kelas tigaaaa………… kemaren aja waktu pulang Ofren kan menye-menye sambil nonton tv. trus jam 23:00 gw solat lalala trus nyalain komputer, nyetel lagu, ngerjain MATEMATIKA. ini gw yg kerajinan atau gw emang lagi stres kelas tiga ya? hahaha jadi keranjingan belajar gitu.
okey deeych sepertinya itu saja. haha gak penting banget postingannya. oke oke TOODLEEESS!
P.S. what is it in your head? jangan beraninya ngomong dibelakang dong. grrrr muka lo pengen gw tenggelemin di danau lumpur!. demiapa temen sd gw jadi ganteng skr?
Malas day
malas malas malas malas malas sekali hari iniiiiiiii… –_________-
nanti ada makan makan di sushi naga buat ngerayain ultahnya Nurul. heem. dan gw gak tau mau pake baju apa yekaaan. dan berangkatnya ntar bareng Dina, wohoo! temen sd gw. bersama temannya dia.
heemm, kemaren gw sempat berfikir bahwa sepertinya gw tidak akan pernah lagi ngobrol secara langsung sama si Tembok itu. gimana ya, sebenernya kalo inget masalah itu tuh NGEMALESIN BANGET. tapi gak tau kenapa gw sekarang jadi ngerasa, yaudalah gak usah dipikirin bodo amat dia mau ngapain. tapi rasanya aneh juga gak pernah ngobrol begitu. nyapa aja gak pernah. tatap muka juga gak. klimaagggss! kadang kadang suka aneh juga ngeliat dia bisa ngaha-ngehe sama anak-anak yang lain tapi sama gw gak. katanya inilah itulah. HEM. yaudalah gw juga gak mau maksain buat ngobrol. (muna yaa) haha
OIYAAA, kemaren kan hari JUMAT dan gw pake KERUDUNG. trus kan ketemu Cumi. dan dia sepertinya tidak menyadari kalo yang pake kerudung itu gw, jadi dia gak nyapaaaaaaaaaaaaa……………gerooooooooo! hahahahaha busuk banget niat gw pake kerudung hari itu. ckck
oke deh itu aja sepertinya. hahaha
TYFR, Dearest Readers!
Birthday gifts
heeyy Foolkss!
this is afternoon already. and i’m still at home. okay, at home!!! i wanna go for a waalkk! please! everywhere! i just want to refresh my mind. i recently think that i should have a little refreshment once in a week. you know why, i have busy schedule for the weekdays! hhhhkjirma;m
and tomorrow will be my friend’s birthday, my bestfriend (Ayu Arifah) and I still do not know what present should we give for him. aaaagghhh!!!!! neither me nor she don't have plenty of money, and we still confused what thing is buyable and mean it. because he lives in New York City and he takes studies there. AUAUAUAAAA! it means, he won’t be here for a long time.
and for the 18th of August, my dear lovely bestie has her birthday too! auauauauauaua she really loves stars and blue and basketball. we (Dalang) want to give her a special present, but we still don’t know yet. hem.
i plan to go to Kemang today. but it’s already in the middle of the day, and i haven’t asked my father to go there. haaaaaahooooooo. actually i wanna have a research what present costs there. in a place like ak sa ra or somewhere around that area. hem hem. i hope Papa can accompany me to go there, with my lovely Mom and my dearest Brother too of course. teehee! hahahaha
okay then, wish me good luck ya! hahahahahaha for everything i’m going to do next.
Thank you for reading!
lots of love.
I won’t care anymore
Because You do not know me
And I'm already sick about those rubbish things
Say what You want, and I will not care about it
waaaa akhirnya hari sabtu juga yaa. haha setelah weekdays yang sangat sibuk, setiap hari berangkat saat gelap pulang juga gelap.
cerita apa yaa di hari yang moody ini? ohiya, lanjutin kejutan hari kemaren.
kemaren kan sungguh rambut gw sangat teramat busuk yakaan. belom keramas, padahal seharusnya jadwalnya tuh hari kamis, dan jumat gw belom keramas. hem. akhirnya rambut udah lepek lepek gitu gak gw sisir dan gw iket kan. setelah iketannya dibuka, astaganaga, rambutku sungguh seperti kalajengking, keluar keluar gitu. dan yang paling parahnya ya itu karena sangat lepek!
trus kan si Ifa seperti biasa, hari jumat selalu pake kerudung kan (gak selalu juga sih, waktu itu pernah gak make, lupa kali ya). nah kerudungnya dia gw yang make deh untuk menutupi kebusukan rambut gw. daan, kan kerudungnya gw pake sampe pulang sekolah tuh, anak-anak masa pada ngira kalo gw tuh Ifa, banyak yang bilang kok mirip banget sih sama Ifa, ya ampun mirip darimana ya cobaaaa..
lalu lalu, eeeehhh kan si cumi lewat tuh. eeeeeehh gw disapaaa!! huahahahahaahhahahahahahahahaha dia gak ngira kalo gw pake kerudung trus disapa deh. hahahaha kayaknya gw musti pake kerudung nih setiap jumat. hem. wahahaha
anak Dalang yang lain juga bersepakat untuk make kerudung setiap hari jumat. tapi tau tuh jadi beneran, apa cuma omongan. haha tapi gw harus yekaaaan? wahahahahahahahahaha :333
okey deh, kayaknya sampe situ aja dulu. hoho
Thank you for reading! :D
okay, that's for the intro. hope you like my new blog here! hehe
keep updating!