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kangen masa kecil deeeehh. waktu gw bebas kemana-mana naik sepeda jalan kaki dari matahari masih terik sampe bulan muncul (lebay). dari rumah sampe depan komplek sampe komplek orang. terus jaman-jamannya cinta monyet huahahahahahahhaha

waktu kecil tuh bener-bener gak ada beban sama sekali ya. gak mikirin pr ulangan tugas ujian masuk sekolah. yang ada di pikiran cuma besok kemana lagi yaaa? trus jamannya gw masih nguahahaha sama adek gw (sekarang udah jaim dia.huh)

trus jamannya gak punya handphone kayaknya tenaaang banget jauh dari teknologi haha.

waktu dunia masih terlihat sangat besar untuk bisa dijelajahi
waktu masih sedikit orang yang baru dikenal jadi bebas gak mikirin image
saat waktu gak jadi perhitungan
saat sering makan cakue, kue bantal, dan martabak ketan item
saat lo bisa lari-larian bawa troli ngambil-ngambilin semua makanan yang lo suka
oh, jaman-jamannya gw suka banget sama marshmallow sama tini wini biti (lupa tulisannya ;p)
jaman-jamannya main rumah-rumahan sama adek gw

ahiahiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pengen deh balik ke masa ituuuuuu........

tapi sayangnya yang ada didepan gw sekarang adalah kenyataan gw masih harus berjuang untuk ujian masuk ITB. ya Allah semoga 10300058 bisa masuk FTI ITB 2010. amiiiinnnn

maaf ya postnya rada gak penting :p hehehe



terlalu banyak berimajinasi
terlalu banyak fairytale dan sequenced-dreams
banyak permintaan
two faces

maaf ngerepotin, makasih ya :)



Oh, I just realized that it's so difficult to press the 'Delete' button.

Actually, why most of us cannot press that button? ('Delete' button, I mean)
Well well, basically people are afraid because they do not want to lose their precious files. How precious are those files? I don't know, you don't know, oh maybe the ones who felt it do not know either.

Our brain has its own limit, yeah, you can forget what you just doing, or what you want to do. Oh maybe that's just me who feel like that? hahaha I'm a forgetful person as you know.

So, why people create that word 'Delete'? Why they still keep it till now? Why is it still exist even though most people hate that word? Why am I asking that much? hahahaha
Sorry, I just wondering.

MAYBE, they created that word because not all of your archive can be saved.
MAYBE, they do not want that file anymore
MAYBE, they are just suck files
MAYBE, oh just MAYBE

Sometimes, when you opened your email and see that your inbox full of emails from Facebook, you simply mark all of the contents and delete it. But before it, you re-checked that you do not mark the important mails then you press the 'Delete'.

Oh just how wonderful it is if you can simply choose what should be or shouldn't be delete. For me, it's really really difficult, cause sometimes I just delete all of them without a re-checked or sometimes the inbox is full of the important mails that I can't sort of which I should delete. Hhhhhhhh it's really annoying you know.
How about you guys? Do you do what I do? Hahahaha

Remind you again, I just wondering



saking sibuknya:

1. pengen deh sehariiii aja lari dari kenyataan. hahahaha
2. seminggu jangan 7 hari deh. tambahin satu hari lagi aja
3. berhentiin waktu barang 10menit buat rehat melepas penat

haha emang gak logis sih yaw, tapi pengen deh ada yang kekabuuul. haiaiaaaaa